WB Project: Preparation of Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents for Project P146328
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PROJECT TITLE: WB Project: Preparation of Environmental and Social Safeguard Documents for the Project P146328 "Construction of the Electrified Railway Line Angren-Pap"

CLIENT: SJSRC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari" / the World Bank

PERIOD: 2014 - 2015


Uzbekistan was applying for a Loan from the World Bank to cover part of expenses related to the supply and installation of rail electrification, signaling, track maintenance and closed-circuit television within the project "Construction of the electrified railway line Pap-Angren".

SJSRC "UzbekistonTemirYullari"intended to use part of the ECAPDEV Grant to finance consulting services for preparation of mandatory documents related to environmental and social safeguards policies of the World Bank. Al Mar Consulting carried out a detailed assessment of social and ecological aspects of the project, preparing and coordinating with the World Bank final project documentation on safeguards in order to minimize negative impact and design mitigation measures on local population, environment of the project area, and on physical cultural resources.


Specifically, Al Mar Consulting carried out the following tasks:
  • Collect and study basic data and information and, based on them, analyze social assessment of the project.
  • Develop or finish, process already made earlier project documents on safeguard measures/safeguards documents (assessment of social project impact) and other additional documents requested by the World Bank.
  • To coordinate, monitor, interact with local authorities, representative of the authorized and involved services, management, centers, the ministries and departments, institutes on observance of the World Bank policy, prevention of their violations regarding social impact on the project.
  • Conduction and organization public consultations with PIU assistance according to the World Bank requirements, registration and coordination of protocols of meetings, public consultations.
  • Preparation of complex reports on project inspection according to World Bank’s Safeguard Policies, analysis of poverty and social problems.
  • Conduction of complex inspections and updating according to World Bank’s Safeguard Policies.
  • Assessment of project social impact.

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