Marketing Research Projects
  • Phone: +998-78-150-8887
  • Tashkent, Katta Mirobod str, Blind Alley 2, 2
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Marketing research “Increasing energy tariffs in the Republic of Uzbekistan”
Marketing research “Increasing energy tariffs in the Republic of Uzbekistan”

Marketing research “Increasing energy tariffs in the Republic of Uzbekistan”

"Population survey and testing of "Moscow Provansal" mayonnaise commercial in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan"
"Population survey and testing of "Moscow Provansal" mayonnaise commercial in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

"Population survey and testing of "Moscow Provansal" mayonnaise commercial in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

«The market of inter-room doors in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
«The market of inter-room doors in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Consultant carried out the analysis of secondary data, namely desk researches and the statistical analysis. Collecting primary data, for obtaining more detailed and exact information. When collecting primary data the Consultant used quantitative and qualitative methods of research, namely poll of consumers and expert interviews...

«Technical equipment of the enterprises in Tashkent city» for Samsung Electronics - Uzbekistan
«Technical equipment of the enterprises in Tashkent city» for Samsung Electronics - Uzbekistan

Identification of 400 enterprises in Tashkent city and Tashkent region which use the technical equipment during their operation in the various sectors of the economy...

Marketing research «The market of acrylic plates in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
Marketing research «The market of acrylic plates in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

Consultant carried out the analysis of secondary data, namely desk researches and the statistical analysis. Collecting primary data, for obtaining more detailed and exact information...

Marketing research keting research Studying the behaviour and needs of mobile users in the market of Uzbekistan
Marketing research keting research Studying the behaviour and needs of mobile users in the market of Uzbekistan

Studying the behavior and needs of mobile users in the market of Uzbekistan

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